Orobanche uniflora

(one-flowered cancer-root, one-flowered broomrape)

Height Type Sunlight Moisture
3" - 10" perennial

Habitat:This holoparasitic A parasitic plant that is not capable of photosynthesis and obtains all nutrients and moisture from a host plant. perennial is at home in forests, woodlands, meadows and fields. This wildflower is often found in moist rocky areas where there is some protection from the wind. However, it is also found in non-rocky soil. The presence of a suitable host plant is required before the seeds will germinate. The seeds germinate in response to the presence of chemicals in the soil that the developing host plant produces. In addition, a suitable fungus may be necessary to function as an intermediary between the seedling and host plant. Suitable host plants include Sedum spp. (Sedums), upland Saxifraga spp. (Saxifrage), Helianthus spp. (Sunflowers), Solidago spp. (Goldenrods), and probably other plant species.